Green has such a strong meaning

Keywords: BlogPost, ColorGreen, ColorTheory, Fashion, FashionBlog, Green, GreenDress, HowToWearGreen, MeaningBehindAColor, Psychology, PsychologyoftheColorGreen, Quarantine, ReenteringSociety, ThoughtPiece, Thoughts, WhatDoesGreenMean

In its literal sense, green is the same color as money and thus could represent an abundance of wealth. Our economy will definitely be affected by this year’s events. Green could characterize self-control, something a lot of us will have to exercise as we embrace our new lives post-COVID meaning no raging boat parties this Summer, sorry Playpen goers (Chicago reference). But green also means growth and rebirth, something that maybe our society needed to go through in order to come out stronger, to find meaning in our lives and reevaluate what truly is important to us. I’m embracing the green of it all. I hope you will too.